• Your Fitness PlanPlan your major fitness goals and workouts for the week, and then schedule them daily.
  • Set the most productive sessions, the ones that will yield the greatest improvements towards your next milestone, as the priorities. So if you do happen to miss a session for whatever life throws at you it’s not the major ones that are skipped.
  • Plan your workout time for when you have your best energy. Don’t worry about whether it’s better to train in the morning or evening or lunchtime just train when you are most in the zone. Ideally train both morning AND evening and do your main session in whichever typically has you firing all cylinders.
  • Get rid of the clutter – Always use the major exercises and activities first and foremost and leave the accessory exercises to the end of the workout or as warmup exercises. The best sessions are often the ones that have the simplest plan, the least exercises and the most total volume/sets on those exercises. 10 sets of 1 exercise yields better results than 1 set of 10 exercises. Then just change up the exercises week to week.
  • Read your body. Know when to push harder and when to pull back. Overtraining is almost non-existent when you recover correctly, even if training multiple times every day. But without adequate recovery you can overtrain with just a few sessions per week.
  • Focus on slow but consistent progress over time, don’t rush to get brilliant results that won’t last.
  • Wear your Cape!