The Hierarchy of Training Modalities: Nerves – Muscles – Energy Systems
I often get asked about session programming and tips to maximise the way someone is training for their particular results. It’s quite an interesting discussion [...]
I often get asked about session programming and tips to maximise the way someone is training for their particular results. It’s quite an interesting discussion [...]
Run for a Reason Training is back for 2013 and kicks off on Wednesday, 3 April 2013. This means that the Langley Park sessions will [...]
Bodyworks will be on Tuesday and Thursday at 6.00pm staring Tuesday, 2 April 2013. Kings Park boot camp will finish as of Thursday, 28 March [...]
Conan’s signature Steelworks class kicks off next month. Steelworks is a barbell based strength training class that utilises compound powerlifts to increase strength, power and [...]
Conan Warrior, Vicky Lindsay-Smith, will be competing in a White Collar Boxing Fight Night being held on Friday, 1 March 2013. The Las Vegas Style [...]
In this exercise of the month we look at the technique and execution of pullovers. Learn how to maximize its effectiveness with these tips and [...]
In this webinar we will be discussing advanced running techniques. You will learn tips and pointers to improve your running, your pace and to make [...]
Hey Warriors This is a public announcement to let you all know that there will be no training sessions on the Monday public holiday 4th [...]
The DANGERS of detox diets, and how to detox the right way after the silly season. By Chris Fonda BSc(Exer&SprtSc), A.Nutr It’s that time of [...]
Raspberry Slice (stolen from Tiffany Hall) This is great frozen treat to make for you or the kids. It’s delicious and around 50 calories per [...]