You train smart, you train hard, putting maximum effort into every workout, so it should be a no-brainer that you should recover smarter. Recovery involves more than just a quick foam roll and a protein shake as you walk out the door; you also have to have a full understanding of what your muscles, nervous system and psychology needs in order to heal much faster.
We all know by now that recovery is as important as training, whatever the goal, you have to fuel yourself with enough calories, Macro nutrients and Micro nutrients in order to recover faster from the last workout you did and be ready to train again.
There are three important factors in your recovery:
1. Metabolic Recovery

This means replenishing your energy stores. When you train, you tap into the glycogen stored in your liver and muscles. Much like you need to refill your car with gas when it runs low, you need refill your glycogen stores when you deplete them. To do that, you need to consume carbohydrates.
2. Protein Synthesis

Training breaks down muscle tissue, this a normal process and the stimulus for muscle growth. You need to supply amino acids — your body’s building blocks — via dietary protein to muscles to rebuild them. There are 8 essential amino acids that the body can’t synthesize on its own and must be taken in through the diet. The sooner you do that, the sooner you’ll be back in the gym ready to rock.
3. Hydration

You sweat when you train, especially in summer. Even in winter or in air-conditioned gyms you still sweat. Therefore, not just fluid replenishment but electrolyte replenishment matters. Our bodies are about 50 to 60 percent water. It plays a crucial role in most of the functions in your body, including those related to athletic performance.
Eating for Recovery
If you would like us to look at your nutrition to see how we can tweak it to ensure you are recovering in the right way then give one of our trainers a call on 1800 791 484 or send an online enquiry.